Anul acesta, ceremonia World Fantasy Award se va derula online între 29 octombrie și 1 noiembrie, pentru a premia cele mai bune lucrări fantasy publicate anul trecut (2019). Tema va fi “Fairyland was Nothing Like This”, iar invitați speciali Stephen Gallagher, Anne Groell, David Cherry, C.J. Cherryh, Cindy Pon și Stephen Graham Jones.
Juriul va fi compus din: Gwenda Bond, Galen Dara, Michael Kelly, Victor LaValle și Adam Roberts. Finaliștii sunt următorii:
(notă: ilustrațiile nu reprezintă pronosticuri, ci au fost alese de autorul articolului pe criterii pur estetice)
- Queen of the Conquered, Kacen Callender (Orbit)
- The Ten Thousand Doors of January, Alix E. Harrow (Redhook Books/Orbit UK)
- The Raven Tower, Ann Leckie (Orbit)
- Gideon the Ninth, Tamsyn Muir (
- The Memory Police, Yoko Ogawa (trans.Stephen Snyder) (Pantheon/Harvill Secker)
- “The Butcher’s Table,” Nathan Ballingrud (Wounds: Six Stories From the Border of Hell)
- Desdemona and the Deep, C.S.E. Cooney (
- In an Absent Dream, Seanan McGuire (
- The Deep, Rivers Solomon și Daveed Diggs, William Hutson și Jonathan Snipes (Saga
Press/Hodder & Stoughton UK) - Silver in the Wood, Emily Tesh (
- “For He Can Creep,” Siobhan Carroll (, July 10, 2019)
- “Read After Burning,” Maria Dahvana Headley, (A People’s Future of the United States)
- “The Blur in the Corner of Your Eye,” Sarah Pinsker (Uncanny Magazine, July-Aug. 2019)
- “Blood is Another Word For Hunger,” Rivers Solomon (, July 24, 2019)
- “Postlude to the Afternoon of a Faun,” Jerome Stueart (The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction,
Mar./Apr. 2019) - “Everyone Knows That They‘re Dead. Do You?,” Genevieve Valentine (The Outcast Hours)
- Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories, editor Ellen Datlow (Saga Press)
- The Outcast Hours, editor Mahvesh Murad & Jared Shurin (Solaris)
- The Mythic Dream, editor Dominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe (Saga Press)
- New Suns: Original Speculative Fiction by People of Color, editor Nisi Shawl (Solaris)
- The Big Book of Classic Fantasy,editor Ann & Jeff VanderMeer (Vintage Books)
- Homesick: Stories, Nino Cipri (Dzanc Books)
- Song For the Unraveling of the World: Stories, Brian Evenson (Coffee House Press)
- Unforeseen, Molly Gloss (Saga Press)
- A Lush and Seething Hell: Two Tales of Cosmic Horror, John Hornor Jacobs (Harper Voyager)
- Sooner or Later Everything Falls Into the Sea: Stories Sarah Pinsker (Small Beer Press)
- Tommy Arnold
- Galen Dara
- Julie Dillon
- Wendy Froud
- Kathleen Jennings

copyright Galen Dara
- C. C. Finlay, ca editor F&SF
- Leslie Klinger, pentru The New Annotated H. P. Lovecraft: Beyond Arkham (Liveright)
- Ellen Oh, pentru We Need Diverse Books
- Ebony Elizabeth Thomas, pentru The Dark Fantastic: Race and the Imagination from Harry Potter to the Hunger Games (New York University Press)
- Sheree Renée Thomas, pentru contribuția la gen
- Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay, Laura E. Goodin and Esko Suoranta, pentru Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science
Fiction and Fantasy Research - Michael Kelly, pentru Undertow Publications și The Year’s Best Weird Fiction
- Jonathan Strahan & Gary K. Wolfe, pentru the Coode Street Podcast
- Lynne M. Thomas și Michael Damian Thomas, pentru Uncanny Magazine
- Terri Windling, pentru Myth & Moor